A popular alternative to Swedish massage which utilizes similar techniques, yet is applied more slowly and with focused intention. In addition to addressing the superficial layer of muscle, it accesses the deepest layers of muscle, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

“Ashi” means foot; “atsu” means pressure. This modality uses bars affixed to the ceiling for balance, allowing the practitioner to use their body weight to deliver an intensely relaxing massage. Instead of the specific pressure of thumbs and elbows, the broad surface of the foot enables deeper work that is not painful and results in less soreness than traditional deep tissue.
Post-session care (24-48 hours):
1) Ashiatsu is especially decompressing to the spine; sitting for prolonged periods can negate these benefits.
2) Avoid large, repetitive twisting movements or any heavy lifting. This modality is so opening that it is best to take it easy after your session.

Moist heat packs are applied to the body to increase circulation and decrease pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. This is an excellent preparation for massage, as the tissues are warmed and ready to receive. Ice massage is beneficial for inflammation from injury, surgery, tendonitis and other conditions that cause tissue swelling.

A Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that is effective in moving circulatory and energetic stagnation, and for treating adhesions and scar tissue. A pooling of blood is likely to occur at the area of treatment, resulting in bruise-like marks; this is a sign that stagnant blood and toxic energy is being moved and released from the system. Cupping uses glass, silicone, or bamboo cups with either fire or a vacuum to create suction.
Post-session care:
1) The surface of the body is opened by cupping, and will be vulnerable to cold or pathogenic factors. These can cause tightness and stagnation to return to the area. Keeping the treatment area covered for at least 24 hours after your session will effectively protect it. Warm showers are fine, but staying away from temperature extremes (hot tubs or cold pools) is best.
2) The marks brought to the surface of the skin fade at different rates for each individual; some may dissipate within a day or two, while others can last up to two weeks or more.

Another Traditonal Chinese Medicine technique is gua sha; its indications and results are very similar to cupping. It uses a tool such as a spoon to scrape the skin.
Post-session care:
See “cupping” above.

Massage that considers the needs of the mother before and after childbirth. Pillows and bolstering are used to create a comfortable side-lying position. Muscular discomfort, nerve pain, and swelling in the legs can be reduced. Once the mother is full-term, certain points can be stimulated to encourage a quicker and less painful birthing process. Scar tissue massage can be applied to a c-section scar to promote healthy tissue function and healing.

Smooth, flat, heated stones are used to warm the tissues using long, relaxing strokes. Once the muscles are warm and the stones have cooled a bit, they can be used as tools for applying a deeper, more specific pressure.